Chromium – molybdenum alloyed welding wire suitable for welding creep resistant steel.
Welding steamboilers and pipes with a working temperature up to 570 °C (1060 °F).
Also suitable for welding case hardenend steel and high strength steel, refacing workpieces that have to be nitrited.
Welding of 13CrMo44, 15CrMo3, 13CrMoV42, ASTM A 193grB7, ASTM A333 GrP11 and P12, cast steel GS17CrMo55.
Repair of steel 25CrMo4 and 42CrMo4, when a post weld heat treatment is applied.
Welding of 13CrMo44: heattreatment for basemetal shall be applied:
- Preheating 200-250 °C (390-480 °F)
- Post weld heat treatment 660-700 °C (1220-1290 °F) during minimum 1/2 hour.